Planned giving
Helping you plan a legacy gift for lasting impact of the church’s ministry and mission. Give NowPlanned Giving
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Frequently Asked Questions
Planned Giving/Legacy Giving
Will you be a part of this legacy of impact by considering a future gift to Roselle United Methodist Church through your will or trust? This gift is a visible witness to your family and friends that what was important to you in your lifetime is as important into the future.
By including Roselle United Methodist Church as a beneficiary in your will or trust, you are a part of God’s kingdom work of changing lives, strengthening churches, and transforming the world into the future. All it takes is a simple amendment or beneficiary designation to make your wishes known.
Consider including Roselle United Methodist Church in your future plans:
Make a bequest in your will or other estate plan
When you establish a will or other estate plan, you can include a bequest of a specific dollar amount or percentage be left to the church to carry out the mission and ministries that are important to you. Your estate attorney can help you ensure your wishes are documented and executed.
Name the church as a beneficiary of a certain percentage:
Consider a 10% tithe of your retirement plan, IRA or life insurance.
Other planned gift vehicles:
Include real estate, donor advised funds, stock, and cash. We would love the opportunity to connect and answer questions. You can reach us at or by phone at 630-529-1309.