Music Ministry
Music Ministry at Roselle UMC
Roselle UMC takes great pride on music ministry. Chancel Choir, and Bell Choir share their musical and vical gifts and talents with the congregation.
We invite you to come and make a joyful noise, new members are always welcome. If you want to join one of the groups, please contact the church office at 630-529-1309.
Chancel Choir

The Chancel Choir is a multi-generational group that rehearses on Wednesday evenings at 7:15 p.m. and Sunday mornings at 9:15 a.m. The Chancel Choir sings every week for the 10:30 service. The members of this group share a love of singing and dedication to praising God through their service. The choir performs a variety of music including classical, gospel, contemporary, and praise and worship. This group is directed by Holley McKee at 630-939-1476..
2023 Christmas Concert
“We Need a Little Christmas”
Bell Choir
Listen to the sound of the Bell Choir by clicking the video below
The bell choir is a multi-generational group that rehearses on Saturday mornings at 10:30 a.m. in Bell Choir Room. The church owns five octaves of Malmark handbells and three octaves of choir chimes, and the Bell Choir performs using both kinds of bells at the 10:30 service once a month. The bells also participate in the annual Choir Christmas Program and Music Appreciation Sunday. New members are welcome to join this group (it helps if you can read music to some extent). Experienced members take newcomers under their wings and help them learn the ropes. Bells provide a special addition to the worship service – their sound can be exalting, comforting, or meditative, but whatever the sound, this group offers enrichment to the service and Glory to God. If you have any questions contact the director, Christine Dawson at 630-995-5090.