About Our Church
We are called to be grounded in our Christian faith, connected to one another in love, and committed to grow, witness, and serve as faithful followers of Jesus Christ.Our Mission & Vision
Our vision is to help connect people to faith.
We are called to be grounded in our Christian faith, connected to one anther in love, and committed to grow, witness, and serve as faithful followers of Jesus Christ in mission to the community near and far and helping others connect to Jesus Christ who is our Lord, and supporting each other in our spiritual journey through our prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness.
Mission & Purpose
Our mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world through vibrant worship, vital faith, and changing lives.
Ministry and Mission of Roselle UMC Done by Lay Members
Get to Know of the Ministry and
Mission of Roselle UMC
Our Beliefs
Welcome to a caring and vibrant church family where we invite God’s grace to shape us and help us love the Lord with all of our hearts and love our neighbors as we love ourselves. Welcome to a congregation where we open ourselves to the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit, who leads us to all the truth and empowers us to witness to, and represent Christ in the world today.
Welcome to a church where we believe that the Bible contains all truth necessary to salvation. Welcome to a congregation where we commit ourselves to help one another and pray for one another as we walk together on the journey of faith.
Welcome to a congregation whose members seek God’s help every day to transform lives and make a difference in the world for the glory of God’s Holy Name. Welcome to a place where all are valued, all are loved, and all are invited to serve God by serving others. Welcome to a congregation whose members seek every day to be transformed by the grace of God and make a difference in the world.

Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors
Core Values
Vibrant Worship
“Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker!” Psalm 95:6
Worship plays a central role in the life of Roselle United Methodist Church. It is rooted in Scripture and our United Methodist heritage. Our faith community worships together every Sunday morning. Our service is centered on the liturgical pattern of Word and Table, a style that helps us experience the mystery of God’s saving love through the risen Christ in the power of the holy spirit. It also helps us apply that love in today’s world. Sunday Worship Service is live-streamed each week on YouTube and Facebook. We offer a blended service of traditional hymns and anthems with our Chancel Choir and Hand-bell Choir, and the contemporary music of the Praise Band. Children are welcome, and every Sunday we offer a “Children’s Time” during the worship service. We provide child care with two attendants, in compliance with the Safe Gatherings Guidelines. At Roselle UMC the communion table is open to all people because God’s grace is given freely to all. We seek to worship God “in spirit and truth.” Our worship is a place where all are valued, accepted, and loved.

All Saints Sunday Worship
Vital Faith
“You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus” Galatians 3:26
Our faith journey is a lifelong experience with twists and turns. As we grow and change, our understanding of God, Jesus, the BiBle, and religious beliefs also grow and change. On Sundays and weekdays, small groups and BiBle study groups provide a supportive environment in which to think critically, deepen our understanding of God, and reflect with others about living as Christians in today’s world. Small groups develop into a community in which we can reflect, learn, pray, and ask questions. They help us grow in our relationship with God. These groups meet on a regular schedule both in-person and via Zoom. Our care ministries—including the visitation team, cheerfulness team and prayer ministry— provide care to those in need of healing, support and assistance. Through discipleship and small group ministries, our hearts and minds are fed spiritually as we grow and become faithful disciples of Jesus Christ and share our faith experience to make new disciples for the transformation of the world.

Discipleship Bible Study in person on The Walk
Changing Lives
“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me”. Matthew 25:35
Roselle UMC is known as a church who feeds the hungry and shelters the homeless. Lives are changed each day through our mission, outreach and service. Roselle UMC has participated in PADS (Public Action to Deliver Shelter) for 30 years by providing meals and shelter to the homeless in our community. We partner with the Night Ministry organization to feed people struggling with poverty or homelessness in Chicago. The Food Pantry started in a small closet with a few items the Pastor could distribute. But that small beginning has blossomed into the RoselleUMC Community Food Pantry, serving families in the communities of Roselle, Medinah and Bloomingdale, and servicing other food pantries in the area. PLARN (PLastic yARN) Workshops recycle and re-purpose plastic grocery bags into crocheted sleeping mats. The mats provide a dry barrier between a homeless person sleeping on the streets or benches. They are distributed in Chicago through the Night Ministry.

Food Pantry Thanksgiving Turkey Distribution