Changing Lives
Your gift for Mission Links is changing lives all around the world. Give NowGive for UMCORA Lot of Ways to Change Lives
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Mission Links
What is Mission Links?
The Northern Illinois Conference Board of Global ministries (GBGM) announces the release of a new conference mission – giving book called “Mission LINks. Living the Beatitude.” Which replaces Rainbow Covenant. Mission Links is the product of more than 12 months of prayerful, reflective work for the committee, which sought to update and refresh the book’s design and content while linking connectional giving.
- Click here for the digital magazine format.
- Click here to download the pdf.
- Read more on how the new book was developed.

2023 Lenten Mission Link for Border Community Alliance
August Mission for Missionary, Rev. Young Seon Kim
July Mission for Family Assistance Fund
April Lent and Easter Mission Project

Gift Cards for Homeless and those who need immediate assistance for gas or needs
Recently, the church has been visited more than once by homeless individuals looking to us for help. Clearly, writing a check to pay an overdue bill isn’the answer in this case. During Lent we are asking you to purchase and donate gift cards that the pastor can use at her discretion when a homeless individual stops at Roselle UMC looking for some type of financial help. We hope to collect a variety of gift cards including gas stations, fast food restaurants, grocery stores, or general merchandise stores such as Target or Walmart. This way, after talking to an individual, the pastor can use her discretion and offer the type of card that best meets the individual’s needs. As an example, in the past, people have come to the church in need of gas for their cars. The pastor would be able to supply such individuals with gas cards.
We ask that the cards be from the types of businesses identified above. We also ask that they be anywhere from $10 to $25 each. We request that you either attach a receipt identifying the value of the card or write the value on the card in permanent marker.
Finally, we offer three options to make these donations. First, you can purchase gift cards and simply place them in the offering plate on a Sunday morning during Lent. Second, you can purchase the cards and mail them to the church office. And third, you can just write a check to the church and write “Mission Lenten Project” and the Mission & Outreach committee will do your shopping for you!
The Mission & Outreach committee thanks you for your support of this mission.
March Mission Link to UMCOR-Ukraine
Mission Giving in January
January Mission Link goes to Grace Children’s Hospital in Haiti.
Mission Giving in February
February Mission Link goes to Tree of Life, S. Dakota
Tree of Life is part of the working hands and feet of God to the Sicangu Lakota Nation, residing on the Rosebud Reservation serving the mind, body, and soul. They feed, clothe, shelter, and love. They demonstrate God’s love, power, and grace to a broken, hurting society. Their goals include:
Increase Soup Kitchen quality and quantity of food in support of greater overall health and wellness because of diet. In 2018, Tree of Life gave out over 27,000 breakfasts and lunches to clients, as well as 400 Thanksgiving meals and 600 Christmas meals.
Increase direct service in their Thrift Store Ministry to increase revenue, create faster turnover of inventory and serve more meals. The thrift store, called “Ur Boutique”, sells whole goods, furniture and appliances, and gently used and new clothing to raise revenue to support their soup kitchen ministry. Through Ur Boutique they are able to give families an opportunity to buy, even at a very low cost, and have pride that they have provided for themselves. One mom put a $3 bag of clothes on layaway and paid for it over a month. She felt great satisfaction in being able to tell her daughter that “I bought this for you.”
Increase Volunteers in Mission visits to increase relationship building toward reconciliation, depth, and breadth of stakeholder’s knowledge, thereby expanding number of people praying, caring, and supporting them.
The Tree of Life website describes their objectives beautifully: “To the naked eye our service may look like a handout or a hand-up, however to God, it may look like an answer to a prayer.” Please give to this dedicated organization and be part of answering their prayer.
Next steps
Other Ways to Change Lives in Roselle UMC
See Mission and Outreach Ministries by clicking the images below.
Earn all you can and save all you can, so that you can give all you can.
John Wesley