Children's Ministry
Equipping children to grow together on their journey to know, love and serve Jesus Christ.Welcome!
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14
Roselle United Methodist Church Christian Education Committee welcomes children of all ages and commit ourselves to teach the children about God’s love in Jesus and nurture them in faith to grow their understanding of themselves as God’s beautiful children.
Vacation Bible School Video
Helping Your Child Explore, Grow, & Learn about God’s Love
It is our mission to help children to explore about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the Bible, the Church, and Christian faith.
What We Offer
Child Care
We offer Child Care during worship. All child care staff are all background checked and certified by Safe Gathering Training. We tell stories, play with toys, and enjoy having snacks while their parents in worship.
Children’s Time
We provide intergenerational service for all ages. All children are welcome in every service and invited to come in front to hear Children’s message. Children are dismissed to Children’s Place.

Children’s Place
Children from Pre-K to 5th Graders are invited to Children’s Place after Children’s Time.